Local Projects
Local Projects
Whitby's Outdoor Gym
Paving the pathway to a fit community.....buy a brick...make your mark in history.
To order your brick now email Dave MacAskill at davemacaskill@rogers.com
Highway 7 from Brock to Ashburn
As the sponsors of this section of road our name has been placed on signs erected by the Region of Durham, serving as a visible reminder of Rotary's contribution to life in our community. We clean up the garbage along the sides of the road twice a year, in November and April.
Partnership in Service
In the spring of 2002 a decision was made by the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise to seek a partnership with other service clubs within Durham Region to satisfy the many requests for funds to assist various people with the Region.
The Community Care Access Centre in Whitby were approached to research a method of how to assist people in Durham that were in need of financial help to obtain Wheel Chairs, Hospital Beds, Ceiling Track and stair lifts to mention a few.
It was suggested that we work through an Agency in Durham who are aware of the various people needs. These Agencies for example are Community Advantage Rehab, Integrated Rehab Professionals to name two very active Agencies with Occupational Therapists on their staff.
At this time we have the following Partners involved, Lions, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Rotary, Kinsmen, Whitby & Oshawa Fire Departments, Canadian Progress Club Pickering and Durham Regional Police.
The Sunrise Whitby Rotary Club is the prime Service Club in Durham that co-ordinates the other Service Club & Organizations in providing assistance to people in need.
The Partnership completes on an average of 42 transactions per year with the Clubs & Organizations donating in excess of $30,000 each year.
The Partnership In Service is a very productive organization serving the people of Durham
Mission Statement
To provide people with special needs within the Region of Durham with financial assistance through the support of various Social Agencies, Service Clubs, Public/Private sector organizations through “Partnership In Service” .
Durham Outlook for the Needy
The Rotary Club donates its time to the kitchen once a month, both preparing and serving the meal. The Kitchen served its first meal on October 15, 1990.
The kitchen was originally named after the Saint, Vincent Pallotti. A small group of people saw a sad thing happening in Oshawa. They saw that many people were hungry and had no way of eating a nutritious meal. They also saw that there were businesses who were throwing out good food. They wanted to provide a place where those who needed a meal could come.
This small group sent a letter to all the churches in Durham Region inviting them to come to a meeting at St. Mary of the People Catholic Church Hall. They expected 25 people to attend but were very surprised and pleased that 250 people attended the meeting. From that group volunteer teams were formed as well a board of directors.
The location was discussed and Downtown Oshawa was decided upon because of its central location. 51 King Street East had a vacancy in the basement but the work involved to set up a restaurant that was fire safe was a tremendous task. Many hours of planning and work went into making that basement the St. Vincent's Kitchen dining area we know today. Durham Outlook for the Needy was then formed and would run St. Vincent Pallotti Kitchen & Store.
Muslim Welfare House
The Muslim Welfare Home is a 33 bed shelter for women and children located in Whitby. The Muslim Welfare Centre has been offering safe, short-term affordable housing to abused women and their children of all communities regardless of Religion, Nationality, Caste or Creed across the Greater Toronto Area since 1993. It also provides a caring and non-judgmental environment for women of all faiths and their children that are respectful of cultural, personal and religious beliefs. It consists of 17 Bedrooms, 9 Washrooms, A Spacious Living Room, large Kitchen and Children Play Room etc.
The Rotary Club donates its time and resources to help with building and yard maintenance, IT support and ongoing donations.